Reducing the probalities of autistic baby born and miscarriage by Iot based machine learning solution which seemlessly monitoring brain activity of mother. Thus inferring the possible risk of epilepsy, psychic instability, maternal health and fetal neural development in real time and mitigating neural abnormalities of fetus, ensuring happy and healthy maternity.
#Save_Lives #Intelligent_Healthcare #Ai_For_All
Wearable ieeg and vivo imaging kit to seamlessly monitor the brain activity of mother and fetus neural development. Real time warning while found anomalies with possible high risk of brain damage or which may causes neural disorder. Realtime advisory ensuring preventive measures by providing insights of mother's mental and physical condition. Our solution promises 95% accurate response if there is any imminent risk of fetal neural abnormalities or possible mental disorder of mother such as epilepsy/seizure to reduce miscarriage.
What specific problem are you solving?
Neural birth defects affect one in every 33 babies (about 3%,one in 4.5 minutes and 120k each year) born in the US, accounting for 20% of all infant deaths. Therefore, we are using intelligent electroencephalography to continuously monitor mother's brain signal and fetus neural activity to mitigate and predict in real time if there is any possible risk of fetus brain damage, abnormal coma or related neural disorders to treat it as early as possible. This solution helps in ensuring hygiene maternal delivery and reduces the chance of autistic/abnormal baby birth. Moreover, mother's neural data help us detecting and preventing epilepsy/scizures which may cause miscarriage or maternal complexities.
What is your solution?
- iEEG and vivo imaging based iot solution using machine learning to monitor and predict imminant risk of health and mental damage for both mother and womb baby. - App based interface to continuously guide mothers to keep them cheerful and happy mood. - Warning during stressful or emotional state as this might affect baby's neural development and possible overcome strategies including food, gym and meditative suggestions for balanced lifestyle and recovery - Better data and analyzed insights of body response over time (neural, temperature, pulse, for doctors to treat a patient in terms of emergency.
Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?
No one wants a autistic or physically challenged baby right? NeuInfer is working in mitigating and reducing the possibilies of brain, neural damage of fetus or miscarriage caused by mother's brain disorder. We are targeting the marginal and vulnerable pregnant women to help in their life's critical situation. However, our solution is very affordable (5 dollar) and one time application subscription (2 dollar) based what would serve along the whole pregnancy period at ease.