Leaders Never Stay Neutral
They Guide, Lead & Influence

I Believe, The Ultimate Responsibility of Being A Leader Is To Spread Ideologies, Initiatives And Motivations Among Youths What Would Lead By Them Through Generations.

Movements Suppoerted UDHR | SDGs

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Movements I Support

LGBTQ, BlackLivesMatters, QuotaReform and UN75

  • Everyone is Equal Regardless of Sex, Color, Ethnicity, Race or Others Means of Discrimination.
  • No Black,No White, Everyone Is Human Being,that's all
  • UN Needs Your Solidity To Tackle And Fight Against World's Challenges.

Human Rights & Gender Equality

UDHR - Freedom To Huminity

  • I've Ensured Men And Women's Equal Opportunity At My Initiatives With 70%+ Female Enagagement
  • Made A Reality of Implementing 0% Human Rights Violation At Workplace And Equal Opportunities For All
  • Leading A Generation Of Well Equiped, Sensible And Responsible Generation To Bring The Next Social Transformation.

  • I Support Life Climate Action And Life Below Water.
  • Good Health, Well-Being and Gender Equality is Always Associated With My Works And Initiatives
  • Interested in Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth.

My Focus Centered into SDG Goals 3,5,7,8,13 And 14

Sustainable Development Goals

Movements I Support

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller

LGBT Have The Right To Live As Humans

I support LGBTQ in terms of UDHR, where each human being on earth born to be #Equal & Same regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, color or sexual orientation. Check Movements What I Follow:

BLACK Lives Matters The Most

Black, White or Brown - Color Couldn't Be A Measurement For Humans As We Are Created By Same God. So We Should Have To Learn To Treat People Correctly, Respect Others And Their Way of Life. Check Movements What I Follow:

Quota Reform Protest Bangladesh

Quota Reform Protest took place to eliminate quota system in governmental jobs and sparked as a national movement. Eventually governement forced to obtain all the demand of student protesters.

Human Rights & SDGs

Throughtout My Every Aspect Of Work, I Consistently Promoted Equal Rights To Men And Women. Interestingly, Most of My Works Women Involvement is Over 70% And I'm Proud to Say That, Women Colleagues Are 30% More Efficient, Dedicated And Successful In The Workplaces. Moreover, All My Projects And Initiatives Focused In SDG 3,5,7,8,13,14 Using 100% Tech Involvement And Research Driven.

Raise Voice For UDHR - For Everyone, Anywhere

Universal Declaraion of Human Rights is The Constitutional Rights For Each And Every Human Regardless of Their Nationality, Race or Any Other Means of Discrimination. I Strongly Believe, Proper and Adequate Measures to Democratize The UDHR Would Lead The Way of Long Lasting Democracy And Peace.
Article 1,3 : All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person
Article 4,5 : No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6, 9: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.


Save Mother Earth, Our Planet

The suicidal consequence regarding climate change is that we are responsible for it yet not cautious about the effect . Which might lead the biggest Humanitarian migration, temperature rise and Waterlogging. I believe 3 dimensional approach should be considered as follows :
1. Access of Information : Awareness building at root level to policymaking to ensure effective social action, cooperation and response on possible solutions
2. Tech Solutions : Empoerment of social startups and influential product development to mitigate the consequences - water borne diseases, deaths and ensurement of fresh water supply
3. Law Enforcement : Proper establishment & accurate enforcement of law

UN Climate Action SDGs

Let's Ignite The Next Social Movement?

1) I'm looking forward to highly motivated Social Activist who wants to raise voice against discrimination and wants to bring a change to the society. Feel free to contact. Neuinfer Team is ready to discuss and contribute

Submit Movement Proposal Report Social Discrimination